eaglefit® Sale
- promotions and combination packages
- flawless B-Stock
- eaglefit couples bundle PRO EMS system including 1 POWERBox + 1 additional suit
RRP €2,589.00€2,389.00* - eaglefit couple bundle HOME EMS system including 1 POWERBox + 1 additional suit
RRP €2,189.00€2,039.00* - eaglefit complete package PRO EMS System with Sling-Trainer ALLROUND green
RRP €2,250.00€2,090.00* - B-STOCK: eaglefit HOME-EMS, EMS training at home; home training in wireless dry suit
RRP €1,699.00€1,590.00* - B-Stock: eaglefit EMS PANTS system, training at home; wireless, dry, pelvic floor and core
RRP €1,590.00€1,190.00* - EMS VEST complete system upper body training with 18 electrodes
RRP €1,590.00€1,190.00* - B-Stock: eaglefit PRO EMS additional suit, extension with another EMS stretch suit
RRP €650.00€499.00* - B-Stock: eaglefit HOME-EMS additional suit, extension with another EMS stretch suit
RRP €450.00€399.00* - B-Stock: eaglefit EMS PANTS (without POWERBox)
RRP €399.00€349.00*