Team | eaglefit®

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🚀 With full energy into the new year 🚀

Your eaglefit-Team



Elke - Managing Director and Founder




We live service for you - with all my heart.

At eaglefit, we give 110% every day so that you can achieve your personal fitness goals with our high-quality products.



Jochen - Managing Director and Founder




We improve your quality of life with our products and services.

With the right ideas and our personal support for your efficient, time-saving full-body workout that is fun and motivating, we are your reliable partner - whether you are training at home, at work as a BGM, in a hotel, in a practice or in a studio. Our goal and our aspiration is to improve our service and quality day by day.

My personal goal in ems and fitness training: Healthy, fit and strong into old age without looking old;) Born '68



Paul - Head of End Customer Sales & Brand Communication

Bachelor of Arts Company health management(BGM)






It is particularly important to me to provide you with competent, solution- and service-oriented advice. 

Only if you feel that we listen to you and that your questions are answered professionally and expertly can you build trust in us and our high-quality products. We welcome suggestions for improvement, as we are constantly striving to improve our products.



Manuel - Head of B2B distribution & Production







Together towards a healthier future. 

We are only happy when you are happy!
If this process does not yet exist, we will create it.



Rene - Head of Finance & Corporate Management

Bachelor of Arts BWL & Fitness-Trainer






If you stop improving, you have stopped being good.

By listening carefully to your wishes and suggestions for improvement, we can constantly improve our service and our products.
Every single happy customer at home and abroad is our confirmation.



Lisa - Online marketing

Industrial Business Management Assistant





I am proud to be part of the eaglefit team. 

At eaglefit, service and quality come first. I am responsible for designing our online presence with good images and appealing texts so that you can find your way around straight away and enjoy browsing our site.



Susanne - Graphics & design

Diploma graphic designer





Good advertising doesn't hurt. 

If you enjoy leafing through the documents and advertising, then we have done everything right.



Isabella - Quality management officer




Quality is our passion: working together for perfect products.

As a quality management officer, it is important to me that you are completely satisfied with our products. Together with my team, I make sure that every detail is right.



Martina - Quality management




Of course, quality costs money, but a lack of quality costs more.

It is important to me that the eaglefit products arrive at your home in the best quality and give you pleasure for a long time.



Margot - Production, packaging & shipping


The shopping experience of today is opening the shipping package.

If you make a good and tidy impression as soon as you unpack and open the goods for the first time, you know that you are important to us and that we value you.



Mirjam - Production, packaging & shipping




It's fun to be part of the eaglefit team.

...make a great product and put a smile on your face.



Sarah - Quality control & dispatch processing




Creating a finished product for you from high-quality individual components is my passion.



Daniele - Repair service




Repair with precision.

We are only satisfied when your devices are working perfectly! If a problem arises, we will find the solution.