EMS Vest
Zusatz VEST mit Leuchtelektroden
EMS VEST Komplettsystem Frontansicht
EMS Vest front Komplettsystem
EMS VEST Komplettsystem Oberkörper Sprung
EMS VEST Komplettsystem Oberkörper
EMS Vest
Zusatz VEST mit Leuchtelektroden
EMS VEST Komplettsystem Frontansicht
EMS Vest front Komplettsystem
EMS VEST Komplettsystem Oberkörper Sprung
EMS VEST Komplettsystem Oberkörper
EMS Vest
Zusatz VEST mit Leuchtelektroden
EMS VEST Komplettsystem Frontansicht
EMS Vest front Komplettsystem
EMS VEST Komplettsystem Oberkörper Sprung
EMS VEST Komplettsystem Oberkörper

EMS VEST complete system with 18 electrodes

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eaglefit EMS VEST complete system with POWERBox: Upper body workout to go

Train time-efficiently, whenever and wherever you want

The The EMS VEST with 18 dry electrodes is the innovative solution for anyone who wants to make their training fast, effective, and flexible. Whether you want to strengthen your upper body, improve your posture, or simply stay fit – with this intelligent EMS vest, you'll achieve your goals in no time.

Why the EMS VEST?

  • Maximum flexibility: Train anywhere, anytime—whether at home, at your desk in the office, in the car, or in the park. The compact and lightweight vest is easy to take with you.
  • Precise and targeted training: 18 electrodes specifically stimulate your muscles in the upper body area
  • Perfect for everyone: Thanks to its ease of use, the EMS VEST is suitable for both beginners and advanced users. It's also an ideal training option for people with limited mobility, such as wheelchair users.
  • Also at work : put on eaglefit VEST, start the app and train on the side
  • Time-efficient training: Just 20 minutes of training per week is enough to achieve initial success.
  • The electrodes on the upper body are accordingly even arranged, like the eaglefit PRO EMS suit

Here's how it works:

The EMS VEST uses electrical muscle stimulation to specifically tense and strengthen your muscles. The combination of physical movement and electrical impulses makes your workout even more effective.

The advantages at a glance:

  • Muscle building and strengthening
  • Improve posture
  • Increase endurance
  • Simple and practical handling
  • Particularly suitable for people with limited mobility

Partner training:

The VEST can be controlled with the following POWERBox from eaglefit: PANTS, HOME EMS & PRO EMS. This means: If your partner already owns such an EMS product (POWERBox) from eaglefit, you only need the eaglefit EMS VEST  and you can train with its POWERBox. As always, you can easily save your training profiles directly on your mobile device.

How to find the right size

Keep in mind that the EMS VEST should fit snugly and that the material is stretchy . If in doubt, choose the smaller size . For example, if your chest measurements are 108 cm and your waist measures 98 cm, we recommend "XL" – also considering that you'll likely reduce your waist size quickly.

EMS VEST size chart

Our special service for you - Introduction to your EMS system

Upon request, you can receive a personal, detailed, and free introduction from our experienced EMS personal trainer. During a detailed consultation with our EMS professionals, you will receive qualified answers to all your questions. We will discuss in detail how to achieve your personal training goals, the background of EMS training, the effectiveness, special features, and sustainability of the training, as well as how to operate your EMS system. Following this, you will be fully instructed and ready to start your EMS training. Information on booking your introduction appointment will be included with your order.

Do you want to start professionally right away?

Then we have just the right thing for you:

Try the eagleClub for free

Motivating training videos await you so you can join in straight away.

We offer you the possibility of financing:

0% financing via PayPal (Germany only). Simply select "PayPal" as your payment method and choose a suitable term of 3, 6, 12, or 24 months with an effective interest rate of 0.00%.

For your mobile EMS training you need:

  • just your mobile phone or tablet (Apple or Android) for our free eaglefit app - now new: also compatible with the Apple Watch
  • your eaglefit EMS PANTS and the corresponding EMS PANTS POWERBox
  • 1 eaglefit EMS VEST in the selected size
  • 1 eaglefit EMS POWERBox
  • 1 USB-C charging cable with charging adapter
  • 1 large case for your EMS system
  • 1 small case for your POWERBox
  • Free app for precise, professional control - for Android from version 5.0 Lollipop, as well as for iOS devices (iPhone from iPhone 7 / iPad / Apple Watch)
  • QR code for digital instructions in German and English
  • 1 EMS exercise poster in German and English
  • 1 laundry bag
  • Free, unlimited app updates
  • Free onboarding for instruction in your EMS system

EMS VEST POWERBox (light green)

  • Bluetooth version: >4.0
  • Power supply: 5 V, USB C
  • Battery: 3.7 V, 3,000 mAh LiPo
  • Can control 18 electrodes

eaglefit EMS VEST:

70% nylon
30% elastane

18 electrode pads:

silicone, superconducting carbon fiber

During EMS training, we simulate the currents that are usually sent from your brain to your muscles via your central nervous system. Your muscles cannot distinguish where the stimulus is coming from - they contract. The currents that are sent via the electrodes are so small that they can easily be generated by our POWERBox. We don't need cables or a 220 V socket for this!

The advantage of EMS training is obvious: your muscles work without you having to lift heavy weights. Your joints are protected and you can even activate muscles deep down that are usually difficult to train, such as your supporting muscles in your back.
Through regular training, you will notice that you walk more upright, have more strength in everyday life and that your entire body becomes firmer and more athletic. Of course, this doesn't happen overnight and you shouldn't overdo the training - even if it's fun ;)

In the first 10 weeks, only train once a week for 20 minutes, after which there should be at least 48 hours between training sessions. The reason for this lies in creatine kinase.

Short, non-medical explanation of creatine kinase (CK values):

When you exercise, your muscles release harmful substances into your blood - the more strain, the more harmful substances. This is due tonoton the current or the EMS, but on the (desired) muscle effort.
Similar to after a marathon, it can be measured in your blood that the CK levels increase after training. The CK levels are broken down by the liver and kidneys. For this to work, you need to give your body approx.48 hoursTake your time and drink plenty of water (just still water or juice)drink.
Again, CK levels increase due tomuscle work, not by the current.

If you give your body the time it needs (including for regeneration) and take the contraindications seriously, the eaglefit HOME EMS system is a perfect tool with which you can carry out a health-promoting workout without much effort and in the shortest possible time. You canTone your body, build muscle or burn fat.

Please only clean the EMS PANTS/VEST POWERBox with a soft cloth and DO NOT wash it or bring it into contact with water.

We recommend for theeaglefit®EMS VEST hand washing.Alternatively, you can wash the VEST in a laundry net in the washing machine on a gentle cycle at 30 °C. Close all Velcro fasteners first.

We recommend using a mild washing powder (e.g. ECOVER or Frosch Color or the liquid detergentDENAA+ WASHfrom our webshop). Never use caustic solvents/scouring agents, disinfectants or detergents with additives such as chlorine or bleach. If the VEST is still too wet after washing, you can spin it at a maximum of 400 rpm in the spin cycle. To dry, simply hang the pants on a clothes hanger and let them air dry - ideally with the electrode pairs facing outwards.

Dry theeaglefit®Never tumble dry EMS VEST and never expose it to direct UV radiation. This can cause damage to the material.

Ask:Can I also use the EMS VEST undersportswearcarry?

Answer:Yes, it is possible, for example, to put on a jogging suit or cycling shorts andoutdoorsDo some exercise, for example, cycling for an hour, including 20 minutes of warm-up without electricity, followed by 20 minutes of cardio, and finally another 20 minutes without electricity.

Do I have to wear the EMS VESTmake wet?

: No, since we are dealing with arealDrymen's suitIf you are working with someone who no longer has cotton (=non-conductor) covering the electrodes, this VEST works dry. Since the electrodes lie directly on the skin, the current can be transmitted better and over a larger area. The impulse penetrates deeper into the muscle, and the feeling is more pleasant than with EMS clothing. If you have very dry skin or excessive body hair, it may be advisable to use aElectrode gelto use - The electrodes conduct when dry, the skin must be slightly moist for it to conduct well.

 How many electrodesare in the VEST and where are they located?

There are 18 electrodes, i.e. 9 pairs of electrodes sewn into the VEST, which can be controlled individually;
Placement: 1 x biceps, 1 x triceps, 2 x abs, 1 x chest, 3 x back, 1 x shoulders

Are the cables laid in such a way that the trousersStretch movementssurvives?

Yes, the electrodes are connected via a special conductive sewing thread, so you can feel all movementsunrestrictedyou can carry out.

Question: DisabledDoes the EMS-VEST help me with my exercises?

Answer:No, you are completely free and feel thewafer-thin EMS VESTduring your training.

Ask:How can I use the EMS VESTclean?

Answer:Maximum 30 °C ingentle wash cyclein the laundry bag (supplied), without spin cycle or - even better - hand wash and in any case WITHOUT fabric softener.

Ask:I have to make my muscles fit so that I cantriathlonCan I also use this EMS VEST toconditiontrain?

Answer: Yes,You can specifically train your red skeletal muscles (for endurance) as well as your white skeletal muscles, which are important for maximum strength. You train the slow-twitch, red muscles in the range of up to 30 Hz, and the fast-twitch, white muscles in the range of 50 to 85 Hz.

Ask:How does thecontactfrom the power module to the electrodes?

Answer:The POWERBox is clicked onto the outside of the VEST and secured with a Velcro strap. We've patented the entire design and successfully tested it under extreme conditions, such as trampoline parks.The contact is perfectand uninterrupted.

Ask:Is there aGerman instructionsandexercises?

Answer:Yes, there is adetailed, German/ English instructions and a training poster with exercises. In ourYouTube channel "eaglefit"you will find further exercises, including training sessions to participate in directly and explanations of the app:https://www.youtube.com/user/eaglefit001.

Ask:Do I wear a vest under the EMS VEST when training?underwear?

Answer: NoYou don't have to wear anything under the EMS VEST.

Ask:Is there alimitationHow often can I do the training or how often do I install the app?

Answer:No, there isno technical limitationsYou can install the app on your Android smartphone, iPhone, and iPad simultaneously and use it as often as you like (e.g., for your partner, etc.). Initially, you should only train with EMS once a week; later, you should maintain at least a 48-hour break between your training sessions.

Ask:My partner already has a HOME EMS suit with a POWERBox from eaglefit. Can I also use this POWERBox with the VEST, or do I need a different POWERBox?

Answer:We've left the POWERBox design unchanged for the VEST, so you can use the POWERBox with the PANTS, the HOME EMS System, and the PRO EMS System. Simply select "EMS VEST" when launching the app.

Question: Is the current sufficientfrom the battery or isn't it better if the device works with 220 V?

Answer:Since EMS traininglow currentsof the brain, we only work with currents of up to 300 mAh and a very low voltage in EMS training (in general). These currents are also possible with a very small battery.simplySo you don't have to tie yourself to a crate like you would with a dog leash to perform an efficient EMS workout ;)

Ask:How long does thebatteryand what kind of battery is used?

Answer:The battery of our POWERBox lasts forat least 9 training sessions of 20 minutes each- depending on the intensity of your workout. Since we use a 2,000 mAh Li-Ion battery, you can also recharge it without damaging it.

Ask:Whichfrequenciescan I choose?

Answer:You can set the frequency in our individual training menu "Individual"free from 1 to 120 HzUp to about 30 Hz you stimulate mainly your red muscles (endurance), from about 50 Hz onwards the white, large muscles (maximum strength) - If you are not so familiar with this, we have predefined programs "Fitness (muscle building), Relax (similar to amassageafter training or also very pleasant for tension) and metabolism (endurance,cellulite-degradation). Our system is a clear EMS system and not an EMA system, as in our opinion this can lead to injuries under certain circumstances, as the muscles are addressed directly and not - as intended by nature - via the nerves. You can also find background informationhereread it.

Ask:WhichPulse depthcan I choose for training?

Answer:You can select predefined programs (as with the frequency) or freely set a pulse depth of up to400 microsecondsThe higher this value, the deeper the impulse goes into the muscle (including large muscles, such as those on the back or thigh). The lower the value, the more the current stays at the surface. A pulse depth of 150 microseconds can be very useful, for example, for optimizing the appearance of the skin (=> cellulite).

Ask:How long has it beenguaranteeand how does a repair work?

Answer:We offer a 24-month warranty on the EMS VEST and the POWERBox, and a 6-month warranty on the battery. The battery can be replaced by qualified personnel. In the event of a service call, we will send you a shipping label with which you can send the defective product free of charge to our repair center in southern Germany. After a repair time of currently well under a week, you will receive the repaired and tested product back.

Ask:What do I do if the VESTdoesn't fit?

Answer:The EMS VEST is very stretchy and should fit snugly. Please test the vest with underwear first to see if it fits you well. If it doesn't fit, you canhave it replaced free of chargeWe cover the shipping costs for both the outward and return shipments.

Ask:What do I do if I am not satisfied with the whole systemcan't cope?

Answer:We offer a very goodtelephone support with trainers and expertswho can provide you with expert assistance. Since the EMS VEST is a hygiene product, exchanging or returning it is difficult once you've used it without underwear. Otherwise, you can easily return the entire system within 18 days, free of charge.

Ask:Will be at theappstill working or would I have toinnovationsbuy a new system again?

Answer:We are constantly working on furtherImprovements and customer requestswhich every existing customer canfree updatesthe app receives.

Ask:HowlongDoes the EMS VEST hold?

Answer:You don't have to wash the VEST after every workout because it's made of an antibacterial material. We've successfully tested the VEST withover 100 washes in the washing machineTested in handwash cycles. We estimate that the VEST will last an average of 3-4 years, depending on how you care for it. To further extend the wash cycles, every new customer receives a free 100ml sample of Provilan's antibacterial agent.

Ask:I come from theSwitzerland, how can I order here?

Answer:We have a very competent partner in Switzerland near Zurich. If you are Swiss, please visit the websitewww.eaglefit.ch.

Ask:I am unsure whether theappworks on my phone. How can I check?

Answer:You can download and test the app via your app store before purchasing it - simply search for "eaglefit EMS" seek.

Ask:What is theDifference between EMS and EMA trainingand can I choose this setting?

Answer: EMSmeans Electrical Myostimulation(5 to 120 Hz) ,EMAmeans Electrical Myoactivation(from 1,000 Hz). During EMS training, the current flows from the electrode through the skin to the nerve and then into the muscle. During EMA training, the current flows from the electrode through the skin directly into the muscle, without the nerves noticing and without the signal having to pass through the neuromuscular junction between the nerve and muscle on its way to the muscle. This direct muscle activation can be interesting and dangerous at the same time, and is therefore, in our view,notrecommended for home use.

Ask:Can EMS be harmful?

Answer:EMS training can be harmful in cases of health contraindications, such as pacemakers or diabetes mellitus, and training should be avoided in these cases. Excessive intensity or frequency can also be dangerous. When used correctly and following the eaglefit training instructions, EMS training is safe and achieves maximum training effects.

Ask:How often can you do EMS?

Answer:The frequency depends initially on your individual training status. If you have never completed EMS training before or have had a longer break from training, one EMS session per week is recommended for the first 10 weeks. This is to allow the kidneys to acclimate to the higher CK level in the blood that occurs during EMS training. After the first 10 weeks, you can increase to 2 to a maximum of 3 sessions, provided you maintain a 48-hour break. The relaxation program can be used daily, as it is not high intensity.

Ask:How effective is EMS really?

Answer:Due to the simultaneous stimulation of many large muscle groups and the recruitment of up to 90% of muscle fibers, EMS training is highly effective and reaches the deep muscles better than conventional training methods. A 20-minute EMS session can burn up to 500 calories, making EMS ideal for both muscle building and weight loss.

Ask:What is the point of EMS without exercise?

Answer:Essentially, the EMS impulses alone stimulate the muscles and already provide a training stimulus. The muscles adapt to this stimulus up to a certain threshold. Once this threshold is reached, the training stimulus must be reinforced, for example, through additional exercises, to continue achieving a training effect. In addition, joints, tendons, and ligaments benefit from the compressive and tensile stresses that only occur during active training.

Ask:What do doctors say about EMS training?

Answer:EMS training is not only used in fitness but also in medical therapy to restore muscle tone after surgery or injury without placing strain on the joints. EMS technology has also achieved great success in the treatment of back pain, precisely because the impulses penetrate deep into the postural and supporting muscles, providing a training stimulus.

Ask:Can you lose belly fat with EMS?

Answer:To reduce abdominal fat, you need to lose body fat across your entire body. Losing or training away fat in just one specific area isn't possible. EMS training can greatly support this process through the high energy expenditure during training and the increase in muscle mass. Just as important as training is a tailored diet for achieving weight loss.

As you can see, we've put a lot of thought into this. We're listening to you and are here for you if you have any questions, suggestions, or requests.