Sling Trainer uebungsposter
uebungsposter sling trainer
Sling Trainer uebungsposter
uebungsposter sling trainer
Sling Trainer uebungsposter
uebungsposter sling trainer

Sling Trainer exercise poster with 28 exercises

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eaglefit training and exercise poster for sling training in large A1 format

The first training poster for sling training that presents the exercises simply and clearly and immediately motivates you to train. For each exercise, what you need to pay attention to is described in short, clear words. If there are useful variations, these are also shown as tips. Regardless of whether you want to use the poster for training in the studio, at home or when travelling - you will be impressed.

The illustrations will help you see immediately how to perform the exercises. In addition, a pictogram for each exercise shows you which muscles are particularly targeted and which are also trained.

Since the exercises were put together by experienced sports teachers and physiotherapists, you can be sure that with this poster you will receive a competent and careful selection of excellent exercises for your workout with a good explanation.

The 28 exercises are divided into 14 normal and 14 very demanding exercises, which in turn are divided into the following 8 main muscle groups:

  • Back
  • Shoulder
  • Breast
  • poor
  • buttocks
  • Legs
  • hull
  • Belly

This way you can perform individual exercises, individual muscle groups or a whole training session with different intensity - depending on your current training status.

You will find particularly varied exercises for the following muscle groups: arms, stomach and buttocks.

The exercises can basically be carried out with any good sling trainer. No pulley or special type of grip is necessary, although the training is intensified by using a pulley and soft foot straps like those on the eaglefit® sling trainers make the training more comfortable.

You will receive this A1 exercise poster, depending on the variant you choose, folded to DIN A4 format, rolled to A1 format or printed on A1 Alu Dibond plate.